It is the decade of information technology. News and information blasts at us from all angles be it your computers, the television or the dear handphone we carry around everywhere. It takes enormous courage and discipline to tune it all out for the fear of "missing out". It is almost as if we will be left out if we do not follow the latest news and happenings. But in this chase for information, we miss out on the most important things, the things happening in our immediate surroundings.
I remember the long walks and bus trips I used to take where I would look around me curiously, catching glimpses of people living out their lives as they pass around me. Sometimes out of the corner of my eye, a stranger might acknowledge me with a wink or a smile. In that instance, a human connection is made. I worry that in our pursuit of connectivity using our pocket portals, we lose sight of these human connections.
Some of my friends may have noticed this but I try very hard not to take out my phone when there is someone else in front of me to talk to. I believe it is common courtesy that you should devote your time and attention to the person in front of you who has chosen to spend his/her time with you. However I realize I am a minority. Perhaps my naïve world view comes about because of my lack of a girlfriend. Someone whom I should place on higher importance that everyone else but should I? Friends and family are just as important. I appreciate those around them by choosing to spend time with them and not by replying the sms this very instant. Messages are just that, messages. If it was important and an instant reply was required, a call would be more appropriate. Perhaps it is time we do not let ourselves be hostages to our phones and email. Time to disconnect electronically and connect physically.
Royston Tan
A Slave no more