Part of my job as a medic specialist allows me to come in contact with people who are mentally imbalanced. Some people may use the term mad but somehow when I come in contact with them I feel that term is inappropriate. Most people tend to face stress in everyday life. It is a common thing, but the difference lies in how we handle it and our tolerance for it.
Many of these patients are not so different from you and I. They are just not sure how to deal with the stress surrounding them. Some face so much stress, any of us put in their position would probably turn out the same.
I often wonder how I can help them, I see them taking different medicines to calm their minds and sleep better but this breeds reliance and I personally feel these are not long term solutions. How then should I tackle this problem? Perhaps the solution is in it's source? I do not know, neither do I have the time, energy or expertise to follow up on their case. Maybe I should take up a module in psychology in uni to pursue my interest?? We shall see......
Looking at the stress I face everyday, I wonder will I also fall someday? I certainly hope not. I have always thrived on pressure and perhaps you can say the fear of failing is my motivation everyday. This stress must be properly channeled and harnessed. Research have shown a stressed worker is more efficient and less likely to makes mistakes, but what it doesn't say is that they probably die younger due to a host of stress-related diseases. However I am determined, with proper relaxtion to counterbalance it, stress is the ultimate driving force.
Royston Tan
Stress is a double edged sword, don't fear it, use it!
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