Saturday, February 17, 2007

021 Crossroads

It seems once again, life brings me to yet another crossroad as it does so very often. Most of the time, I will choose what I feel I would never regret. Most of the time, I would choose the path less travelled. Decision making seems to come to me easily. This time however, I am truly at a loss. Either way may lead me down a path I would regret. While one may promise rewards greater than I could ever imagine, it also has potential to bring me the greatest pain. The other while promising no reward at least promises little pain. However, this once, I am truly afraid. For if I take the wrong step, there is no turning back.
Somebody please tell me, what should I do? Confused...

Royston Tan
Which ever path I choose, someone may get hurt. Will it be me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have to ask yourself what you really want then.
which is the path worth walking if tomorrow was the last day of your life?
look at where you came from,
look at what you have gone through.
and i think you would know where you wanna head to.
this is how i feel.