Wednesday, September 06, 2017

035 Many years later.

It's been a while...... I have written less and less over the years. Taken less time to sit and reflect on the events of my life. Many things have changed in this past 2 years yet I never had the impulse to sit down and pen my thoughts. Perhaps nowadays, there are too many distractions and the internet is so prevalent, we can no longer easily cut off from the grid. It has brought many benefits like how it brought me here, to nice cosy cafe in Taiwan just based on instructions from my phone. However, it has made an addict of me as well. To internet news, to facebook, to 9gag, to reddit. There seems to be endless possibilities and for a person like me, addicted to learning all things random, it is a drug that pulled me from many things in life. I am determined to change that. It will take a deliberate effort and it will take a while but I will get there.

Motivation is at a high for me recently. I've got my running routine down, I'm going to start on my gym routine. I am going to live life as healthy as I can. Why? Why the sudden motivation to make such big changes? Well maybe it is the end of one phase of my life and the beginning of the next. I just broke up with Fiona. I loved her and in a certain way, I still do but I realize now, we cannot be together. Many factors come into play, many personal ones that I will not mention here. During this trip, I have thought about many things but she was always in the back of my mind. I thought about us, the times we spent together, about Cory, the good times and the bad times. I thought about them all. I did not want to forget because everything that happened was still a beautiful memory to me. There are many lessons that I learnt but perhaps the most important one is one of letting go.

Royston Tan
Rebuilding in progress

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